Mga Pahina


How to Download Torrents Using Utorrent

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Part 1 of 3: Installing uTorrent

  1. Download Torrents Using Utorrent Step 1 Version 2.jpg
    Download the uTorrent installer. uTorrent is available for free from the uTorrent website ( It can be downloaded for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android.
    • Only download uTorrent from the uTorrent website. Downloading from another website runs the risk of installing additional software that you don't want.
    • If you're using Android, download the app from the Google Play Store.
  2. Download Torrents Using Utorrent Step 2 Version 2.jpg
    Run the installer. After the installer has finished downloading, run it to begin installing uTorrent. Make sure to pay attention to each screen of the installer, and opt out of any packaged software. uTorrent comes bundled with extra software that installs automatically unless you opt-out during the installation process. This software can be difficult to remove after it is installed.
  3. Download Torrents Using Utorrent Step 3 Version 2.jpg
    Configure your folders. Once you start uTorrent for the first time, you will need to configure where your downloads will be stored. Click Options and select Preferences. Select the "Directories" section of the Preferences menu.
    • Set the location that you want new downloads to go to. You can also set a location that you want finished downloads to be moved to.
  4. Download Torrents Using Utorrent Step 4 Version 2.jpg
    Set your bandwidth limits. In the Preferences menu, select the "Bandwidth" section. You can set a limit on your upload rate and a limit on your download rate. This can be useful if you need to do other things on the internet while downloading or uploading, as uTorrent will otherwise take all of your available bandwidth.
  5. Download Torrents Using Utorrent Step 5 Version 2.jpg
    Enable protocol encryption. This will help hide your torrent traffic from your service provider, limiting the amount of throttling that they may impose. Click the "BitTorrent" section, and then set the drop-down menu in the "Protocol Encryption" to "Enabled".
    • Make sure that the "Allow incoming legacy connections" box is checked.
  6. Download Torrents Using Utorrent Step 6.jpg
    Open ports on your firewall. Opening a port for uTorrent will allow you to connect to many more seeders. Generally, this will mean you will be able to reach your maximum download speed much easier, or have an easier time connecting to an unhealthy torrent.
    • Select the "Connection" section and note the port listed in the field at the top of the section.
    • Open your router's settings page. See this guide for more details on accessing your router.
    • Open the Port Forwarding section. Open a new port that matches the port indicated in uTorrent. See this guide for more details on opening a port.

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