Mga Pahina

Windows XP Professional SP3 x86 - Black Edition 2014.7.13 
 Windows XP Professional SP3 x86 - Black Edition 2014.7.13
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 Windows XP Updates:

* Windows XP Service Pack 3 (KB936929).
* All Official and POSReady 2009 Windows XP (QFE/LDR) Updates until 8.7.2014.
* Windows Genuine Advantage Validation v1.9.42.0 (Cracked).
* Windows Internet Explorer 8 (Up-to-Date).
* Windows Media Player 11 (Up-to-Date).
* Windows Remote Desktop Connection 7.0 (Up-to-Date).
* Windows Feature Pack for Storage v1.0 (KB952013).
* Windows Installer v4.5 (KB942288).
* Windows XP exFAT file system driver update package v1.0 (KB955704).
* Windows XP Root Certificates Update Version March 2014 (KB931125).
* Windows XP CAPICOM v2.1.0.2 (KB931906).
* Microsoft European Union Expansion Font Update v1.2.
* Microsoft XML Core Services v4.0 SP3 4.30.2114.0 (KB973685).
* Microsoft Compression Client Pack v1.0 (KB927374).
* Microsoft Update Catalog Web Control v7.4.7057.249.
* Microsoft Update Web Control v7.6.7600.257.
* Microsoft Windows Update Web Control v7.6.7600.257.
* Microsoft Windows Browser Choice (KB976002 v5).

(o) Windows XP Runtime Libraries Updates:

* Microsoft .NET Framework (Up-to-Date) 1.1 SP1, 2.0 SP2, 
3.0 SP2, 3.5 SP1, 4.0 Full - {Optional}.
* Microsoft DirectX 9.0c v9.29.1974.
* Microsoft Visual C-family (Up-to-Date) v1, v2, v3,
 v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11 v12.
* Microsoft Visual Basic (Up-to-Date) v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7.

(o) Additional Runtime Libraries:

* Flash Player ActiveX v14.0.0.145.
* Flash Player Plugin v14.0.0.145.
* Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE) v7 Update 60 - {Optional}.

(o) Windows XP Applications:

* Windows XP Powertoy - ClearType Tuner v1.01 - {Optional}.
* Windows XP Powertoy - Alt-Tab Replacement v1.0 - {Optional}.
* Windows XP User Profile Hive Cleanup Service v1.6g - {Optional}.
* Microsoft BitLocker To Go Reader v1.0 (KB970401).
* Windows XP GDI+ Detection Tool v1 (KB873374).
* Windows XP QFEcheck v6.2.29.0.

(o) Additional Applications:

* 7-Zip v9.20 - {Optional}.
* Mozilla Firefox v30.0 - {Optional}.
* Open Command Prompt Shell Extension v2.2.1 - {Optional}.
* HashCheck Shell Extension v2.1.11 - {Optional}.
* SumatraPDF v2.5.2 - {Optional}.
* Unlocker v1.9.2 - {Optional}.
* WinCDEmu v3.6 - {Optional}.
* K-Lite Mega Codec Pack v10.6.0 - {Optional}.

(o) Extras:

* DriverPacks BASE v11.09.01.2e with the Driver Packs: MassStorage v14.05.17.6 
(SATA/AHCI), LAN v14.06.04.1, WLAN v14.07.11.1 (Wi-Fi, WiMax, Bluetooth),
 CPU v10.05 - Compressed = 50 MB / Uncompressed = +300 MB - {Removable}.
* Windows 7 Common Printer Drivers Update Pack and XPS Printer 
Addon v1.2.3.
* 7 Additional Windows XP Themes - {Optional}: "Windows XP Embedded", 
"Black Mesa v2.0", "ChaNinja Style RC5 v1.0", "Disney - It's a Magical 
World v1.0", "Luna Element Black v5.1 + CSS", "Royale Remixed v1.47", 
"Windows 7 Colors v1.0".
* Text file with a few valid WGA CD-Keys [In folder "*.isoOEMWXPPx86BE"].
* Windows NT Registration Changer v1.0 [In folder "*.isoOEMWXPPx86BE"].
* Windows XP CD-Key Changer v1.2 [In folder "*.isoOEMWXPPx86BE"].

(o) Windows XP Patches:

* Extended Update Support Patch v1.0: Will extend the Windows XP update 
support from "April 2014" to "April 2019" (POSReady 2009 Updates).
* dotNET 4 NGEN Patch v3.1: Fixes a Microsoft .NET Framework 4 bug that
 causes a slow Windows XP boot up.
* TCP/IP Patch v1.0: Allows you to have 16777215 (Maximum) Half-Open TCP
 Connections instead of only 10.
* Uxtheme Patch v1.0: Allows you to use un-signed Custom Visual Styles 
* RAID-5 Patch v1.0: Enables Software RAID-5 Support.
* NTDETECT Patch v1.1: Fixes a Pre-Boot BSOD error with older computers when
 installing Windows XP with a USB Flash Drive.

(o) Windows XP Tweaks:

* Pre-Configured Windows XP and Program Settings - {Optional}.
* Suppressing Microsoft Update nagging to install Windows Genuine Advantage
 Notifications v1.9.40.0 (KB905474).
* Suppressing Microsoft Update nagging to install Windows Malicious Software 
Removal Tool v5.14.10402.0 (KB890830).
* Suppressing Microsoft Update nagging to install Windows XP End Of Service 
Notifications (KB2934207).


* Only outdated components were removed and nothing was removed that could cause
 System or Software problems.
1. Applications: "Address Book".
2. Multimedia: "Images and Backgrounds", "Movie Maker", "Music Samples", "Old 
CDPlayer and Sound Recorder".
3. Network: "MSN Explorer", "Netmeeting", "Outlook Express", "Windows Messenger".
4. Operating System Options: "Blaster/Nachi removal tool", "Desktop Cleanup 
Wizard", "Out of Box Experience (OOBE)", "Tour", "Zip Folders".
5. 3rd-party Drivers: "Display Adapters", "ISDN", "Logitech WingMan",
 "Microsoft SideWinder", 
"Printers", "Scanners", "Serial Pen Tablet", "Sony Jog Dial", 
"Toshiba DVD decoder card".
6. Disc Files: "clock.avi", "swtchbrd.bmp", "yahoo.bmp".
7. Disc Folders: "DOTNETFX", "SUPPORT", "VALUEADD", "I386WIN9XMIG",


(o) 2014.7.13 Changes:

* Added all the latest Official and POSReady 2009 Windows XP (QFE/LDR) 
Updates from 11.6.2014 until 8.7.2014 -
 Latest Updates are: KB2961072 (Replaces KB2592799) | KB2962872-IE8 
(Replaces KB2957689-IE8).
* Updated K-Lite Mega Codec Pack from "v10.5.5" to "v10.6.0".
* Updated WLAN Driver Pack from "v14.05.28.1" to "".
* Updated Flash Player ActiveX from "v14.0.0.125" to "v14.0.0.145".
* Updated Flash Player Plugin from "v14.0.0.125" to "v14.0.0.145".
* Updated Tweak "Suppressing Microsoft Update nagging to install
 Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool (KB890830)" from
 "v5.13.10300.0" to "v5.14.10402.0".  

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